Why we seek

The tarot is like a helping hand to support us across the terrain of the unknown.
A gentle, knowing guide around life’s travels and— a reminder to follow the most beneficial path.

The dreams that we hold in our heads and our hearts are precious, beautiful and important.

Let’s not allow obstacles to stop us from creating, and bringing to life whatever first inspired us, called us, and made us want something which draws our life forward.

Cosmos for our potential

For some of us, the idea that life could be joyful may seem like a tall order.

It is my purpose to offer you the information which will enable you to truly thrive.
To show you how you can be in the driving seat of your own life and support you to blossom into the best version of yourself.

My readings are informed by my deep connection with Spirit and the Natural World.
And equally—they are grounded in the practicalities of daily life.

If you are facing a crossroads, the tarot will show you which direction will be best for you.

Creative Spiritual Coaching

I aim to put the ground beneath your feet so you can have a sense of belonging in your body,
your world, your life.

New Course:
A Course for Women

starting in May 2024

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Tarot Master ▫️ Course Leader ▫️ Creative Life Coach

for Travellers of the Heart-Centred Path

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for Travellers of the Heart-Centred Path

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